Thursday, January 17, 2008


We seek refuge in God against Satan
Bismillah Rahmani Rahim

(In the name of God, Most beneficent,
Most Merciful)

The following article is the continuity of our subject on Islam, Muslims, and Muridism. After this discussion please take a look at our additional articles and blogs for a more complete detail on the topic.

Intro: By presenting a highlight on the beautiful teachings of Islam, the misunderstood religion, it is imperative for Muslims to better understand the true message of Allah revealed to The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through the holy Quran and the suna which reflects the prophet's lifestyle on earth. Muslims have to deliver this universal message through deeds and “daawa” (spreading the religious teaching) in an accurate manner. Islam has been often misinterpreted due to ignorance, stereotypes, bad propaganda, as well as numbers of irresponsible actions committed by some so called "Muslims". So if all of this should be undoubtedly a serious concern for the entire Muslim community, it is also the duty of this same community to work toward bringing an end to this problem. However, as we all know, successful results can be only reached if the message of Islam is conveyed with a positive approach and in it absolute originality.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Last Chapter

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We seek refuge in Allah against satan, the cursed creature

Bismilahi Rahmani Rahim

I strongly believe that if the majority of Muslims were united and submit themselves truly to Islam (for the sake of Allah), then they’ll be definitly a reference for the entire world. But they have to fulfill the requirements set by Allah (like the companions of the prophet did, in terms of integrity) to see more blessing coming on their way. Unless, they decide to make this commitment, certain powers will remain to the hands of others. If we look in the past we see that the fruits of works done by the Sabaha(s) (companions of the beloved prophet, peace be upon them) have proven, the past advancement of the Muslim world over the West for more than 500 years. As much as we hate showing any pride, this remains a fact perfectly well-known, written on the pages of history. At one point some people have said that Islam was spread by military force to make possible its extension across the world. But we know that Muslims conquests were done against tyrant rulers who persecuted and oppressed populations that were reduced to subjects and inferior races. There are two forms of Jihad when it comes to war. The first one is the self defense and the second one is toe help the needy if means are avalaible. It was upon this second condition that force was often used to free the populations, promote justice and preach the religion. In some places like Africa or China, Islam was accepted very passively, by the work of missionaries and along trade routes. It was mainly despotic dictators that have faced Muslims' army. Now the fact that the late Muslim leaders were somehow more into wealth and fame rather than religion, have raised several internal conflicts within their different provinces. That’s how they eventually end up loosing their supremacy and financial status (a will of Allah). When the Muslims forces were pushed back out of Toledo (Spain) by the Crusaders in 1085, they left behind a lot of heritages, which constitutes the medieval science (medicine, math and physics, astronomy etc...). All those legacies were ultimatly handed over to Europeans. But until the end of the 15th century, the scale of influence had remained favorable to the Muslim world under their Ottoman regime. This advantage had also to do with the introduction of fire arms that was discovered and mastered very early in Ottoman lands. However by the 16th century, when the medieval works were further developed in Europe to make possible the beginning of industrialization, the balance started to shift Westward. Allah states in the Quran that He does not change people condition unless they change themselves. This statement makes us understand clearly that if this life is indeed a gift of God, but we shouldn't place it above religion. Thus a right equilibrium has to be always respected in order for the Muslims believers to prevail constantly. Yet, it is better to loose some wordly benefit than faith, and Allah knows best. There is no doubt that whoever strives hard to keep up with the commands of the Lord, and leaves this world in a stage of believer then Inch Allah, he or she will receive the infallible reward. And we like to insist on the fact that if tomorrow, Muslims are joint to guide the world toward this incredible Din (defined as peace of mind) and according to the Suna (teachings of prophet), then many people would follow them to Islam.
I (author) strongly believe that we can all realize extraordinary things in this present life and the next one to came, Inch Allah. Life is full of surprise, we can never predict what's going to happen. So let's be mindful that there are great projects we can all achieve. And I guaranty you Inch Allah, if we put more spirituality (Islam) to our life, we’ll be victorious. I know many people have a very busy life with lots of responsibilities, and others struggle to meet their daily needs; it is evident that everything in life cannot be shinny (we are not in paradise yet). But Inch Allah we will be released from most of the ambushes we come across if we put more efforts into our religious beliefs.
Now in this modern life a high career is viewed by many as the absolute solution for success, and the individual who pursues this typical career is generally the one qualified for selective job tittles
. But we all know that money does not buy happiness! The reality is financial stability alone will not solve all your problems. However, the advantage we have as Muslims believers is recognizing that any vocation is also a blessing from Allah, therefore we should be thankful to Allah for it through our actions. Since Islam is a way of life, we shouldn't put a barrier of separation between religion and other daily activities. Let's remember that all things are belongings of Allah. Consequently, they have to be managed as recommended by the prophets of Allah; and our last messenger Muhammad {puh} has confirmed his Suna (hadiths texts). The best way to improve ourselves is to submit to Allah, realizing that we’re nothing without Him since any beneficial knowledge comes from Him. If we sincerely have this conviction, Inch Allah we’ll start feeling the lift. With a suitable Islamic lifestyle, everything should shift to the positive. Islam teaches us great manner in our relationship with everyone, whether Muslims or not; total honesty and sincerity in all situations; high level of education and moral values, nothing is left off. This Din can make you in such a way that people around you will be impressed and start show interest in your religion. Seeking education under the umbrela can save us from being tempted to copy on others, knowing in our heart that it’s totally wrong. Therefore the responsible Muslim should desire to escape from ignorance and set himself/ herself high religiously and intellectually. Muslims poets say that, learning at the young age is similar to writing on a piece of rock, in contrast to that learning at a very old age is like trying to write on water. That's why we should take our best shot right now. It’s definitely more convenient to learn during youth; and if we don’t do it at that moment, then we can still learn something later, but hardly at the very old age. So without offense to anyone, I hope that these words are not to be forgotten like spoken words that enter in one of the ears then leave from the other. Since this is a written passage, we wanted it to be like those inscriptions on the rock and even greater.
Thus for the interest of all us, I personally recommend that this text should be preserved and we should also try to reflect on it Inch Allah. May Allah make this article helpful to anyone who gets a chance to read it. Amin!

In summary, we'll state that Islam plays an essential role for Muslims. We should always accentuate our religious practice. Then once we have an Islamic base, confidence will built up and help stabilize our life. This same process will gradually shift our interest for more need of spirituality and knowledge. These are keys to look into for a stronger faith and happier life. The best way to make this happen is to invest our free time in learning. If our daily schedule is supercharged, we could create more time by sacrificing "idle activities". We all know how satan uses worldly pleasures to put people deep into the excess of amusement and relaxation; then he still finds ways to make them indifferent when it comes to things are useful. So let’s not always postpone important matters that relate to Islam.
Spiritual blindness is certainly a contagious disease that has sunk many folks into deep darkness; and this symptom has the potential to reduce our clear perception as Muslims. The only remedy against this threat is Islam, which a complete system of immunity. Thus to avoid falling behind it is a must that we stay connected with the ideal Islamic atmosphere. May Allah protect us from failure and grant us unshakable Iman and m
ay He save us from the severe penalty, Amin..!
Final word: There are certain things in Islam that words alone cannot express. Imagine if I would describe you the best dish ever, then next you get a chance to enjoy the meal; from that point you'll notice that my little description cannot be an equal matchfor the actual dish. The same is also true about Islam; certain blessings are meant to be experienced. May Allah help us have a better understanding of Islam and the ability to act upon it. Amin! May Allah bestow on us useful education and save us from learning that ends up to nothing other than destruction. Finally may He make Janna (paradise) our last resort without a heavy journey on the Day of Judgment. Amin..!
We apologize in advance for anything wrong we may have said here due to failure nature. We urge you to inform us if you have any questions or need more information. Finally, we’re at the end.


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For the Gospel of Barnabas

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(Barké Borom Touba)